Hello and welcome to soldiers of destruction
1. No Spam messages- This is our forum/our clan home please don't spam the forums and threads. We will only give 1 warning if you are caught spamming the forums excessively. After this warning you will be banned from the site.
2. No obscene material allowed- Any material from writing to pictures will result in a warning, then a ban if you do not listen.
3. Do not criticize ANYONE. If someone is making remarks to you that you do not like, don't put yourself in a a bad position. Tell your group leader, tell a general, tell a founder. Do not take it on yourself to start an argument. You will get banned from the site. This is a friendly clan, here for gaming, not arguing. Please be friendly to everyone.
4. Multiclanning- Tthis is not acceptable. There's a spot in this clan for every game. If you are caught multiclanning, you will only be given one warning before you are banned from the site and the clan.
5.No representing another clan- For instance promoting there recruiting. Or representing another clan tag. This can be taken as multiclanning also. Please we must have none of this for this will lead to immediate ban. This also includes recruiting for allies.
6.Immature Behavior in chatbox- No immature and childish behavior in the chatbox. If we see any of this our generals and leaders will first issue a warning if it continues you will be kicked.Any further offenses will lead to a ban from the chatbox.
7.No spamming other clan sites- This can bring hatred and enemies to our clan. This will also make our clan look childish and immature. Please represent our clan for something to be proud of. Any of this will lead to an immediate ban.
8.No hatred throught PM- This will lead to a points drop and a lesser chance at a promotion. If you have any of this you please forward this message to a general or leader.
9. You must stay active on the forums. Founders and leaders did not spend time on a site that the members are not going to use. It also helps keep the clan organized. During cadet week, please shoot for 10-12 posts. Thanks